The first set of 2006 American Community Survey( ACS) data on income and poverty has been released. More detailed data, including housing data, will be released a couple of weeks from now. ACS data can be accessed HERE.
In preparing for the September data release I went back and looked at 2005 ACS data and discovered some important information on what household types make up Oregon renters.
A one page PDF summary sheet –with household definitions-is HERE, but here’s a short summary:
1. 36% of Oregon households are renter households (516,227 of 1,425,340 HH’s).
2. A minority (49%) of all Oregon households (703,761 ) are married couple family households. Of these married couple family households only 20% are renters.
3. The majority of Oregon households (721,579) consist of “Other family” households plus “non family” households. Amongst this majority of Oregon households, more than HALF—52%-- are renters.
Similar ACS data for 2006 should be available in mid September and when available this post will be updated with that data.